New Arrivals Magic Rugs Affordable Handmade Home Decor Furnishings

Black Floral 10X10 Ghom Indian Rug | Magic Rugs ⠀ Product code:OT-229⠀ Available ⠀ Hand Knotted Indian rug made with natural dyes and appealing ancient designs. This Oriental rug never will go out of style and would be among your most valuable treasures.⠀ #fashionhomes⠀⠀ #bathroomrug⠀⠀ #bathroomdecorations⠀⠀ #interiorinspirations⠀⠀ #interiordecorations⠀⠀ #kitchendesigning⠀⠀ #lifestylehomes⠀⠀ #livingroomdetails⠀⠀ #bedroomdecorations⠀⠀ #instagramhousesMagic Rugs
