New Arrivals Magic Rugs Affordable Handmade Home Decor Furnishings

12 Days Of Christmas - Nain Central Iran | Magic Rugs ⠀ Nain rugs are considered to some of the highest quality rugs available today. Nain is relatively new to the carpet-weaving industry … meaning Nain rugs have been on the market for only about 100 years or so. However, the rugs quickly gained popularity for their high quality materials and craftsmanship.⠀ ⠀ A Sheer Like No Other⠀ Carpet weavers in Nain normally work with a much thinner wool on unique wooden looms. It takes months to create just one rug, but the end result is an incredible sheer you’ll find on no other style rug. The incredible number of work hours required for each and every rug plus the relatively small production capacity in Nain itself makes these rugs among the more valuable.⠀ Rugs
