Rust Pink Modern 5X8 Kazak Oriental Rug

Rust Pink Modern 5X8 Kazak Oriental Rug⠀ Product code: OT-875⠀ Hand-Knotted Oriental rug made with vegetable dyes (fine wool pile and cotton foundation), superior knot count, and appealing ancient designs. This Oriental rug never will go out of style and would be among your most valuable treasures.⠀ Authentic Handmade Affordable Oriental Rugs - Tribal Vintage Handmade Persian & Oriental Rugs - Different materials 100% Fine Wool, Cotton, Silk, Excellent Quality. Every size and every budget! FREE SHIPPING / free 30 days return policy.⠀ Come to visit Magic Rugs in 9315 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270 or go to 
